This technique provides an incredible method of placement and intentional incorporation of depth! This look is perfect for boys, but works incredibly on anyone! A keeper year round. There is no highlighting or low lighting applied here, just intentionally placed painting patterns that create a huge impact of blonde while remaining low maintenance.
This is a perfect time for this technique to be shared as I can see this used with so many different tones and as a useful foundation for so many different looks! Can’t wait for you all to check it out!
The importance of alternating painting patterns.
How to place emphasis of brightness in alternate areas than the hairline. (Anti-money piece placement)
How to effectively think through maintaining pockets of depth when lightening the ends to get the most impact from your blonde.
A great new sectioning pattern for coloring hair on a round shaped hair cut.
New tips and tricks for being purposeful with your teasing when applying foilayage.